For up-to-date schedules and menus, register below for our weekly emails.

Bringing You Closer to the Source of Your Food

Bringing You Closer to the Source of Your Food

Bringing You Closer to the Source of Your Food


Will I be sharing a table, gazebo or greenhouse with others not in my group?

We love seeing new friends gather together at a community table and break bread – now is not the time.  When you reserve a Gazebo, Greenhouse, or the Chef’s Table four our summer Dinners in the Garden, you will not be sharing your table with others not in your group.  We want you to feel and more importantly BE safe.

For our hands-on classes, we will do our best to allow for as much social distancing as possible and encourage all of our attendees to wear masks unless actively eating or drinking.

What if I’m sick?

If you are feeling unwell, and are thus unable to attend the class or event, you are welcome to invite a friend or family member to attend in your stead. Our classes and dinners are sold as events and are therefore non-refundable and non-transferable. We are unable to keep your purchase as a credit toward another class.

In the rare event that The Kitchen MGF decides a class or event is canceled (for snow or other circumstances), we will contact all event attendees directly to discuss rescheduling options.

Thank you for understanding.

What are you doing to keep your cooking classes safe?

As we welcome people back to The Kitchen, our staff is complying with current Covid guidelines in order to keep everyone healthy. Please do the same by wearing a mask indoors unless you’re seated and actively enjoying a beverage or your meal. Thank you for helping us all stay healthy and for helping our business to remain open during these times.

The Kitchen takes keeping our customers and team healthy very seriously. Here are some of the extra steps we are taking to create a safe class experience:

  • We are closely following CDC and local public health orders and guidelines.
  • We’re incorporating both hands-on and demonstration techniques for our classes and will make modifications as needed, based on current guidelines and class needs. and added more smaller tables to ensure ample social distancing.
  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning with disinfectants throughout the Kitchen, particularly high-touch surfaces.
  • Instructors and staff will wear face coverings throughout your class.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Kitchen at Middeground Farms | All Rights Reserved